Thursday, March 24, 2011

One-Eyed Jack, Part Two

Today Jack is smacking lady bugs that have started to wake up and crawl up the wall behind the couch.  I have to get him a scratching post and bring him some toys from home.  Now that he isn't hiding all of the time, he wants some interesting stuff to do.

Oh, I have to correct one fact about Jack--they removed his left eye, not his right.  Just a little dyslexic/laterality problem I have.  Be glad that I'm not a surgeon.

Part 2 of his story is that he was the first Katrina kitty adopted, mostly because of the story that ran in the the Ithaca Journal.  A really wonderful couple adopted him because they already had a one-eyed cat and were worried that he would not get a home.  He lived with them until recently, when they moved to a smaller place and were worried that this would be too stressful for him.  They have other pets, (at least one dog and a couple of cats, if I remember correctly) and he was already having some trouble living with them. 

So, he came back to us and now I have to learn the lessons he has come here to teach.  We are looking for a forever home for him, one where he will be an only child.  He actually hasn't had any reaction to the animals that he has come in contact with at Briar Patch, so maybe that isn't written in stone.  I was in here yesterday with Zuza (my teeny dog) tucked in my jacket and I'm not sure if Jack even knew what she was.  They touched noses and he just looked confused, but unconcerned, and continued to rub up against me and purr.  I have learned to love him.

So, that's Jack's story for now. 


  1. How sweet! I hope Jack finds a wonderful, happy home--and until then, I'm awfully glad he's found you.

  2. Hi Gillie, is the kitty that came to work with you at Hands On , cute story - so he needs a home?

  3. flame-pr
    This guy never came to Hands On, but the first orange and white one that did come to Hands On got a home when she was 8 weeks old. Oh--and the boys, Eddie and Tenzing, for whom I was going to find a home found one ...with us...They are the last 2 that we are keeping until we lose a few. And they are the biggest reason we can't take Jack home, as much as I'd like to. 8 cats is one cat short of crazy cat lady.
